A Complete Example of Utilizing Paths in NMAKE

ID Number: Q60340

1.00 1.01 1.11



The make file shown below is an NMAKE example of using paths in

macros, inference rules, and target dependencies (descriptor blocks).

This is a working example of what is described on Page 298 of the

"Microsoft FORTRAN CodeView and Utilities User's Guide" and Page 168

of the "Microsoft QuickC Tool Kit."

More Information:

This make file compares the modification dates of the .H and the .C

files with the .OBJ files, and the .OBJ files with the .EXE files. If

any of the dependent files have changed more recently than the target

files, the specified series of commands is executed. The .H and the

.C files in the work directory are compared to the .OBJ files of the

lib directory.

If any of the source file(s) have changed since the last .OBJ was

.created, then it is recompiled and copied from the current

directory to the lib directory. The .OBJ files in the lib directory

are compared to the .EXE files in the current directory. If any of the

.OBJ files have changed since the last .EXE was created, then the

.OBJs are relinked.

Sample Make File



objdir =d:\qc2\lib

wrkdir =d:\qc2\work

list =$(objdir)\grdemo.obj $(objdir)\turtle.obj \


cc =qcl -c

#inference rules



$(cc) $<

copy $(*F).obj $(*R).obj

erase $(*F).obj



link $(**R);


run: grdemo.exe

$(objdir)\*.obj: $(wrkdir)\$$(@B).c $(wrkdir)\menu.h \


grdemo.exe: $(list)