Looking for Files in Different Directories

ID Number: Q60867

1.00 1.01 1.10 1.11 | 1.01 1.10 1.11



If you use the "directory search" feature of NMAKE (curly braces "{}")

to use a separate directory for some files, the location of these

files cannot be inferred in subsequent dependency rules.

More Information:

The following code example demonstrates this confusion:

test.exe: {\obj}test.obj

link \obj\test.obj graphics.lib;

test.obj: test.c test.h

cl /c /Fo\obj\test.obj test.c

If TEST.EXE and \OBJ\TEST.OBJ were up to date and we were to change

one of the dependencies for TEST.OBJ, nothing would happen. This is

because \OBJ\TEST.OBJ doesn't have any dependencies. The TEST.OBJ

dependency line is only for the current directory. If we were to

change the TEST.OBJ line to the following

{\obj}test.obj: test.c test.h

a change to TEST.C or TEST.H would cause \OBJ\TEST.OBJ and TEST.EXE

to be updated.

Note: NMAKE has a predefined inference rule for C.EXE that causes

TEST.EXE to be relinked in the above example if it is out of date with