ID Number: Q73193
On an XT compatible PC (8086/8088 chip) with an 8087 math coprocessor,
the Microsoft Source Profiler version 1.0 may generate an "Unexpected
Single Step" error. This error is caused by a problem in the 8086/8088
hardware that was corrected in all later versions of the chip.
More Information:
This behavior may be seen when the profiler is attempting to single
step an instruction and a hardware exception occurs. One single step
will occur in the exception handler and another will occur when the
exception handler is complete. To avoid this problem, the profiler
masks all interrupts during the single step.
However, the coprocessor exception cannot be masked and, because the
8087 runs concurrently with the 8086, it is impossible to predict when
the coprocessor exception will occur.
A valid workaround is to disable the 8087 and force the use of the
floating-point emulator while profiling. Since the emulator functions
emulate the coprocessor in software, no hardware exception is
generated and the behavior is avoided. To disable the 8087, link with
one of the emulator libraries and set the NO87 environment variable to
a non-null string. For example:
SET NO87=Not Using 8087
Note that this results in the display of the message "Not Using 8087"
whenever the application is invoked.