INF: Expanded BANDINFO Documentation

ID Number: Q33252

2.03 2.10 3.00 3.10



The following is an expanded version of the documentation of the

BANDINFO escape in earlier manuals. Refer to the index or table of

contents section to determine where the BANDINFO information is

located in the current versions of the documentation.

short Escape(hDC, BANDINFO, nCount, lpInData, lpOutData)



Provides better communication between a banding driver and the




Parameter Definition

--------- ----------

hDC A handle to the printer display context

nCount Not used and can be set to NULL

lpInData A long pointer to a data structure that has the

following structure:

typedef struct {

BOOL GraphicsFlag;

BOOL TextFlag;

RECT GraphicsRect;


This data structure provides the primary

communication between the driver and the

application as to what (graphics and/or text)

is actually on the page. The notes below

describe its use.

lpOutData A long pointer to a data structure having the same

items as lpInData, a BANDINFOSTRUCT

Return Value


Return Value Result

------------ ------

nResult 1 if the function is successful

0 if the function is not successful or if the escape

is not implemented



This escape is only implemented for devices that use banding to output

to the printer. The escape is called immediately after the NEXTBAND

escape, every time the NEXTBAND escape is called.

The BANDINFO data structure is used to communicate between the driver

and the application as follows:

Data structure Used as lpInData Used as lpOutData

field (application communicates (driver communicates

to the driver) back to the application)

GraphicsFlag TRUE if there are graphics TRUE if the driver is

on the page expecting graphics in

this band

TextFlag TRUE if there is text on TRUE if the driver is

the page expecting text in this


GraphicsRect The bounding rectangle for No valid return data

all graphics on the page

This escape is always executed immediately after a NEXTBAND escape and

is in reference to the band the driver returned to that escape. Listed

below are examples of how the BANDINFO escape can be used to

communicate between driver and application.

1. On the first band, the driver gives the application a full-page

band and asks for text only (GraphicsFlag == FALSE, TextFlag ==

TRUE). The application sends only text to the driver.

2. If in the first band the application said it had graphics

(GraphicsFlag == TRUE), or if the driver encountered any vector

fonts, the driver will have to band the rest of the page. If

there are no graphics or vector fonts, the next NEXTBAND escape

will return an empty rectangle, indicating that the application

should move on to the next page.

3. If there are graphics and no vector fonts, (that is, the application

set GraphicsFlag == TRUE), the driver only has to band into the

rectangle the application passed via NEXTBAND, which bounds all

graphics on the page. If there are vector fonts, the driver will

band the entire width and depth of the page with the TextFlag ==


The driver assumes that an application using BANDINFO will send only

text in the first full-page text band because that is all the driver

asked for. Therefore, if the driver sees a vector font or any graphics

in the band, it assumes they were generated by a text primitive and

sets the TextFlag == TRUE for all of the subsequent graphics bands to

ensure that they can be output as graphics. If the application does

not meet this assumption, the image will still be generated properly;

however, some time will be wasted by sending spurious text primitives

to graphics bands.

Code Outline


The general outline of a routine using BANDINFO to output a page

should be as follows:

do {

if (BandingDevice) {




else {

/* It is not a banding device. */

/* Set the band to the entire page. */

BandRect.left = 0; = 0;

BandRect.right = dxPrinter;

BandRect.bottom = dyPrinter;

/* Output everything. */

BandInfoOut.GraphicsFlag = TRUE;

BandInfoOut.TextFlag = TRUE;


if (TextFlag) {

Do any text.


if (GraphicsFlag) {

Do any graphics.


} while (BandingDevice &&

more bands to do);

/* NEWFRAME and NEXTBAND are exclusive; however, at least one must

be used. Hence we need to do a NEWFRAME if we are not banding. */

if (!BandingDevice) {

/* Put out the page. */

if ((SpoolerError = Escape(hDC, NEWFRAME, 0, 0L, 0L)) <= 0) {

Result = ConvertSpoolerError(SpoolerError);

Escape(hDC, ABORTDOC, 0, 0L, 0L);

goto ErrorExit3;



For more information on full-page banding for text, query on the

following words:

prod(winsdk) and four and banding and nonraster

For more information on BANDINFO, query on the following words:

NEXTBAND and NEWFRAME and BANDINFO and banding and printing

Additional reference words: 2.03 2.10 2.x 3.00 3.10 3.x