PW0287: Windows Programmer's Reference (Advisor Format)

ID Number: Q69232




The following is the complete contents of the application note titled

"Windows Programmer's Reference (Advisor Format)." Application notes

can be obtained by calling Microsoft Product Support Services at

(206) 454-2030.

Windows Programmer's Reference (Advisor Format)


The Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) provides the information

contained in its "Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit

Reference" manual in two different types of formatted files: the

Windows Help format (used with the Windows Help engine) and the

Advisor format (used with QuickHelp and the Programmer's WorkBench).

The disk that comes with this application note contains a copy of the

Advisor format file that should be used to replace the copy of this

file included with the Windows SDK. The information in the two files

is the same. However, the file included with this application note

will display its table of contents in response to the QuickHelp View

All Tables Of Contents command (from QuickHelp's View menu, choose

View All Tables Of Contents). The file shipped with the SDK does not.

Installing the Revised Help File


1. Make sure that the Windows SDK is installed.

2. Using the Expand program (which is distributed with the Windows

SDK), copy the file from the enclosed disk to the Windows

development directory (by default, this is C:\WINDEV) by entering

the following command at the DOS prompt:

expand a:sdkadv.hl$ c:\windev\sdkadv.hlp