PRB: Video Driver GP-Faults When Handling Large Bitmaps

ID Number: Q69292




This GP-fault can be attributed to the way the main loop is

constructed in the video driver DIB-handling routines. The main

loop is written so that a byte is fetched from the DIB and the data

pointer is advanced immediately, before processing the byte. This

is fine until the very last byte in the DIB is processed.

More Information:

This problem has manifested itself in a few different ways. For

example, in one instance, the driver code fetched the final DIB byte

(which was at an offset of FFFFh in a given segment). The driver

incremented the offset, determined that it wrapped to zero, and

incremented the value in the DIB segment register. Because this was

the final byte of the DIB, the new value in the DIB segment register

was an invalid selector. Using an invalid selector causes a GP-fault.

In a second example, the driver code loaded each DIB byte at the

bottom of the main loop (loop termination logic is at the top of the

loop). This caused a final, invalid byte to be loaded at the bottom of

the loop (before the loop termination test). This worked for many

bitmaps because there are often a few extra bytes of space after the

final DIB byte. One bitmap, however, fit exactly within the segment

limit. When the program tried to fetch one extra byte in this case, a

GP-fault occurred because the fetch violated the segment limit defined

in the local descriptor table.