ID Number: Q69293
The sample dynamic data exchange (DDE) application provided in the
Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) does not work
properly with Microsoft Excel when Excel makes a DDE request
(=REQUEST). The information below discusses the necessary changes to
the Server application to achieve compatibility with Excel.
More Information:
Excel uses the fResponse flag in the DDEDATA structure to distinguish
responses from WM_DDE_REQUEST and WM_DDE_ADVISE messages. If a DDE
server application responds to a WM_DDE_REQUEST message from Excel, it
must set the fResponse flag to TRUE. If a DDE server application
responds to a WM_DDE_REQUEST with the fResponse flag set to FALSE, the
Excel macro will wait until interrupted by the user.
The modifications to the Server application required for Excel
compatibility are described below.
The SendData() function in the sample application should be changed to
look like the following:
void SendData(HWND hwndServerDDE,
HWND hwndClientDDE,
char *szItemName,
char *szItemValue,
BOOL bDeferUpdate,
BOOL bAckRequest,
BOOL bAdviseResponse)
The new argument bAdviseResponse is set to TRUE when the data block to
be sent is a response to a WM_DDE_ADVISE message; otherwise, it is set
After the data block is allocated, the response flag is set using:
lpData -> fResponse = !bAdviseResponse ;
These two changes are made in the SERVDDE.C file of the sample. All
other references to SendData() in SERVER.C, SERVER.H, or SERVDDE.C
should be modified to account for the new argument.