INF: Problems with Using the Digital Output of a VGA Adapter

ID Number: Q40573

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When running programs such as GRDEMO that call the graphics

function _setvideomode(), a border may be displayed around the

monitor. Also, the functions _remappalette() and _remapallpalette()

do not seem to work correctly.


Some VGA display adapters have analog- and digital-output

capabilities. The above behavior occurs when the digital output of

a VGA display adapter is connected to the monitor.

When the digital output is connected to an ECD (EGA monitor), a

green border is displayed. When the digital output is connected to a

multisync class monitor, a gray border is displayed. In either case,

remapping the palette does not function. When the analog output is

connected to a multisync or VGA monitor, it displays correctly.

The problem is that the graphics adapter is rightfully determined

to be VGA class, although for practical purposes it is really EGA

class. At this point, the C graphics library treats the display

incorrectly as VGA. Connecting a digital monitor to the digital

output of a VGA adapter is a nonstandard hardware configuration

(the digital output of a VGA graphics adapter is nonstandard). The

behavior of a nonstandard hardware configuration is unpredictable.

Additional reference words: 5.00 5.10 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00