Spaces in Inference Rules Corrupt NMAKE Macro Expansion

ID Number: Q65084

1.00 1.11 | 1.00 1.11



If a space is inserted between the target and dependent extensions in

an inference rule, it will cause NMAKE's default macros to expand

incorrectly. The correct syntax for inference rules is to list the

dependent file extension followed by the target file extension WITHOUT

any embedded spaces.

More Information:

The following sample make files demonstrate a few of the problematic

results that are possible if spaces are used in an inference rule. In

both cases below, note that it is the embedded spaces that cause NMAKE

to invoke the commands incorrectly. Removing the spaces allows NMAKE

to generate the desired commands.

Example 1


{c:\source\}.c {c:\objs\}.obj:

cl $*

ALL: c:\objs\foo2.obj

c:\objs\foo2.obj: c:\source\foo2.c

Command executed by NMAKE:

cl {c:\objs\}

Example 2


.c .obj:

cl $<

ALL: foo.obj

foo.obj: foo.c

Command executed by NMAKE:
