Documentation Error: Extmake Syntax for %|partsF Incorrect

ID Number: Q66474

1.11 | 1.11




The extmake syntax for determining the complete name of the first

dependent in a NMAKE description file is incorrectly described in the

"Advanced Programming Techniques" manual on Page 124.

More Information:

The extmake syntax described on Page 124 of the "Advanced Programming

Techniques" manual lists the syntax as


where parts is one or more of the following:

Letter Description

------ -----------

d Drive

e File extension

f File base name

p Path

s Complete name

However, "s" is not a valid selection. You may use %s, or you may use

%|partsF, where "parts" is one or more of the above (d, e, f, or p,

but not s). The following makefile illustrates the problem.

Sample Makefile


sample.obj: sample.c

cl /c %|sF

If this makefile is run, it will produce the following error message:

NMAKE : fatal error U1098: extmake syntax in sF incorrect

The online help specifies the correct syntax for using the extmake


Letter File-Specification Part

------ -----------------------

p Path

d Drive

f Base name

e Extension

The makefile below shows the correct extmake syntax for obtaining the

complete name of the first dependent:

Correct Makefile


sample.obj: sample.c

cl /c %s