Problem in NMAKE 1.11 with Multiple Dependency Blocks

ID Number: Q66571

1.11 | 1.11


buglist1.11 fixlist1.12


The sample makefile below will be correctly executed in all cases

except if the target is missing. In that case, both sets of commands

will be executed even though the second set is not necessary.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in NMAKE version 1.11.

This problem has been corrected in version 1.12, which shipped with

Microsoft COBOL version 4.00.

Multiple Dependency blocks are supposed to be evaluated one at a time.

In the sample makefile, because the target is missing when NMAKE is

invoked, it assumes that both sets of commands will need to be

invoked. This is incorrect behavior.

Sample Makefile


test.exe :: test.obj test.def

link /nod test,,,slibcew libw, test.def

rc test.res

test.exe :: test.res

rc test.res