INF: LINK /OPossible Interrupt Numbers

ID Number: Q34208

3.x 4.x 5.x



The linker option /O[VERLAYINTERRUPT] allows you to select an

interrupt number other than the default (dec 63, or hex 3F) for

passing control to overlays. Normally, you do not change it, except

when an overlaid program is spawning another overlaid program.

The possible numbers that can use with /O[VERLAYINTERRUPT]:number

are decimal 0 to 255, octal 0 to 0377, and hexadecimal 0

to FF. However, any numbers that conflict with DOS interrupts, though

allowable, should be avoided.

The numbers available without conflict for user-defined overlay

interrupts are decimal 60 through 67.

More Information:

Consult a DOS programmer's reference for current information on the

available interrupts.