NMAKE /N Doesn't Work Across Multiple Dependency Blocks

ID Number: Q66644

1.11 1.12 | 1.11 1.12


buglist1.11 buglist1.12


Given the sample makefile below and the fact that mod2.c has been

changed, invoking NMAKE /N displays the following commands:

cl /c -c mod2.c

lib sub.lib -+ mod2.obj;

However, if NMAKE is run without the /N parameter, the following

commands will be executed:

cl /c -c mod2.c

lib sub.lib -+ mod2.obj;

link boss.obj,,,sub.lib;

More Information:

The /N switch is used to debug the logic of makefiles without actually

processing them. In this case, the commands that /N indicates will be

executed are not the same as those that actually are executed. This is

caused by the multiple dependencies for sub.lib. If the makefile is

changed to eliminate the multiple dependency blocks, the /N switch

will function correctly.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in NMAKE versions 1.11

and 1.12. We are researching this problem and will post new

information here as it becomes available.

Sample Code




link $<,,,sub.lib;


boss.exe:boss.obj sub.lib


sub.lib:: mod1.obj

lib $@ -+ mod1.obj;

sub.lib:: mod2.obj

lib $@ -+ mod2.obj;