U4007 Error Can Be Caused By Not Using Quotation Marks

ID Number: Q66646

1.11 1.12



If you have a makefile for OS/2 that uses long filenames, you must use

quotation marks around the long filenames. For instance, if the

following makefile is used, it will generate the U4007 error message

("file name too long: truncating to 8.3"):

Sample Makefile


all: thisisalongfilename.exe

thisisalongfilename.exe: thisisalongfilename.obj

link thisisalongfilename.obj;

thisisalongfilename.obj: thisisalongfilename.c

cl /c /Tcthisisalongfilename.c

If the makefile above is changed to the following version, the error

will not be generated:

Sample Makefile


all: "thisisalongfilename.exe"

"thisisalongfilename.exe": "thisisalongfilename.obj"

link "thisisalongfilename.obj";

"thisisalongfilename.obj": "thisisalongfilename.c"

cl /c /Tc"thisisalongfilename.c"

For more information on this behavior, please see the README.DOC file

shipped with Microsoft C version 6.00.