Profiler May Not Be Able to Find PROC Names with MASM 5.1/5.1a

ID Number: Q73834

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Code assembled with the Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) version 5.1

or 5.1a may not produce sufficient symbols for the Source Profiler to

produce reports based on functions. This is not a problem in the

Profiler; it is a limitation of the CodeView symbolic debugging

information generated by MASM 5.1 and 5.1a where PROC names are not

placed in the symbol table under certain circumstances.

This behavior only affects profiling by function. Profiling by line

and sampling is not affected.

More Information:

When a PROC name is not placed in the CodeView symbol table, the

Profiler is unable to profile it by function and the PROC name will

not show up in the Profiler report. When this occurs, a valid

workaround is to place a local variable in the function so that the

symbol is properly recorded. This will add some minor code to that

function, so it is not advisable to leave the variable declaration in

the final version of the program, but it may be useful for the

profiling stage of development.

The example code below demonstrates this behavior. The example is a C

program calling two functions in an assembly module. The first

assembly function is not visible to the profiler, while the second has

the added code in it to make it visible.

Sample Code


Compile and assemble the source modules as indicated (you must

assemble with MASM 5.1 or 5.1a to demonstrate the problem). Link the

resulting .OBJs with the /CO option. Profile the .EXE with /FC, /FT,

or /FV and observe how asmfunc1 is missing from the Profiler output.

C Module


/* Compile options needed: /AL /Zi /Od /c


#include <stdio.h>

extern int i, j;

extern void asmfunc1(int);

extern void asmfunc2(int);

void main( void)


i = 1;

j = 1;

printf( "Before ASM calls, i = %d, j = %d\n", i, j);

asmfunc1( i );

asmfunc2( j );

printf( "After ASM calls, i = %d, j = %d\n", i, j);


Assembly Module


; Assemble options needed: /Zi

.model large,c



i dw ?

j dw ?


PUBLIC asmfunc1

PUBLIC asmfunc2

asmfunc1 PROC FAR

mov i,2 ; change i to the value 2


asmfunc1 ENDP

asmfunc2 PROC FAR

local dummy_arg:word ; Declare a dummy arg as a workaround

mov j,2 ; change j to the value 2


asmfunc2 ENDP