Link Not Performed During Build or Make

ID Number: Q67482



buglist1.00 fixlist1.10 fixlist1.11


During a build inside the Programmer's WorkBench (PWB) (using PWB.COM)

or while using NMK.COM from the command line, the build operation

returns successfully but no .EXE file is created.

This problem may be caused by an incorrectly set COMSPEC environment

variable. If the COMSPEC environment variable contains any extra

characters, NMK.COM fails to properly spawn the linker. This affects

the PWB as well because, under DOS, PWB.COM spawns the build commands

the same way as NMK.COM. Two examples of COMSPEC environment variables

that cause this problem are shown in the following:



Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in PWB.COM version 1.00

and NMK.COM version 1.00. This problem was corrected in PWB.COM

version 1.10 and NMK.COM version 1.11.