Example of Using a Response File with LINK

ID Number: Q40429

3.65 | 5.01.20



The following is a small example of using a response file with LINK.

More Information:

A response file contains responses to the LINK prompts. The responses

must be in the same order as the LINK prompts.

LINK treats the input from the response file just as if you had

entered it in response to prompts or in a command line. It treats any

carriage-return-linefeed combination in the response file the same as

if you had pressed the ENTER key in response to a prompt or included a

comma in a command line.

Note: You cannot put comments in response files.

The following is an example of a file named RESPONSE.ONE:

file1 file2 file3 file4

/pause /map



Type the following at the command line:

LINK @response.one