PRB: Link /CP:number Requires Number in 16-byte Paragraphs

ID Number: Q79846

6.00 6.00a 6.00ax





On page 29, the "Microsoft C Reference" manual for versions 6.0,

6.0a, and 6.0ax incorrectly describes the /CP linker switch as



Sets the program's maximum memory allocation to bytes.


The manual should read:


Sets the program's maximum memory allocation to number of

16-byte paragraphs.

More Information:

The first paragraph of the online help for the /CPARM switch gives the

correct information:

Syntax: /CP[ARMAXALLOC]:number

This option sets the maximum number of 16-byte paragraphs needed by

the program when it is loaded into memory. Specify the number of

paragraphs as an integer from 1 to 65,535. This option is valid

only when linking DOS programs.

Additional reference words: 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax