INF: Using the Linker to Create "ROMable" Code

ID Number: Q41090

1.x 2.x 3.x 4.x 5.01.20 5.01.21 5.10 5.13



The linker packaged with the Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) and

Microsoft Compiler languages is not designed to create "ROMable" code.

An additional utility is necessary to create "ROMable" code. For more

information, contact one of the following companies (with whom

Microsoft has no affiliation, nor are we recommending these two

companies over any of the other companies that produce these kinds of


Embedded Systems & Software, Inc.

18012 Cowan

Suite 100

Irvine, CA 92714

(714) 833-1700


Genesis Microsystems Corporation

13300 Sunset Drive, Los Altos, CA 94022

(415) 964-9001

Additional reference words: 5.01.20 5.01.21 5.10 5.13