Ambiguous Switch /PAC with QuickC 2.00 Linker

ID Number: Q42027





Using the /PAC switch with LINK Version 4.06 results in the

following error:

fatal error L1001: PAC : option name ambiguous

This same option works correctly on Versions 3.65 and 5.01.21, and is

documented as being a valid shorthand name for /PACKCODE on Page 131

of the "QuickC Tool Kit."

The problem is due to a conflict with an option that is not documented

in the Tool Kit, but is displayed when LINK is invoked with /HELP. The

option that causes the ambiguity is /PACKDATA, which causes data

segments to be combined.

The shortest version of /PACKCODE that can be used is /PACKC.

Similarly, /PACKD is the shortest version of /PACKDATA that can be
