PRB: LINK /CO /DO May Cause Problems

ID Number: Q42212

3.55 3.6x 4.06 4.07 5.01.20 5.01.21 5.02 5.03 | 5.01.21 5.02 5.03


buglist4.06 buglist4.07 buglist5.02 buglist5.03 fixlist5.05



If the Microsoft LINK utility version 3.55, 3.60, 3.61, 3.64, 3.65,

3.69, 4.06, 4.07, 5.01.20, 5.01.21, 5.02, or 5.03 is being used,

when compiling or assembling with the /Zi switch to include

CodeView symbolic information and linking with /CO to preserve it,

the placement of the /DO switch is crucial. If the /CO switch is

specified before /DO, the following behavior may occur when running

CodeView under MS-DOS:

1. CodeView 2.x will prompt with the following when attempting to

debug the .EXE:

Enter directory for <filename> (cr for none)?

However, it will come up in assembler mode. In addition, attempting

to switch to source mode results in the following:

Unable to open file

2. CodeView 3.x will issue the following when attempting to debug

the .EXE:

CV1319 - Internal error - unrecoverable fault

Specifying /CO before /DO under OS/2 will result in:

SYS1943: A program caused a protection violation

SYS1811: Process has stopped. The software diagnostics code is 013


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in LINK versions 3.55,

3.6, 3.61, 3.64, 3.65, 3.69, 4.06, 4.07, 5.01.2, 5.01.21, 5.02 and

5.03. The problem was corrected in version 5.05 of the LINK


Additional reference words: 3.60 5.01.20