Hyperlink for MakeProcInstance in SDKADV.HLP Incorrect

ID Number: Q67397

1.70 | 1.70




When accessing the function MakeProcInstance() from the index in

QuickHelp version 1.70, the help screen for Windows DataTypes is

presented instead. This behavior may be duplicated by following the

procedure outlined below:

Start QuickHelp with an argument to get help on any windows topic, as


qh wndclass

This will bring up the help screen for the wndclass structure. Now

click the right button on the QuickHelp index, and then on the

alphabetical section for M. At this point, if help for

MakeProcInstance() is chosen, QuickHelp will, instead, bring up the

help screen for Windows Data Types.

If the SDKADV.HLP file is decoded using HELPMAKE, as follows

helpmake /D /Osdk.doc sdkadv.hlp

it becomes obvious that the reason for this error is that the

hyperlink for MakeProcInstance() appears as follows in the decoded

help file:

\aMakeProcInstance function \vDatatypes\v

This causes QuickHelp to display the DataTypes help screen instead of

help for the appropriate function.

This problem can be corrected by changing the above line to read as


\aMakeProcInstance function \vMakeProcInstance\v

The SDKADV.HLP file must then be recompressed, as follows:

helpmake /E0 /T /Osdkadv.hlp sdk.doc

The choice of /E0 indicates no compression, and is strictly arbitrary

in this case. If maximum compression is desired, the 0 argument to the

/E switch may be left off, or /E15 may be specified.