$$(@F) Macro Doesn't Work with NMAKE Version 1.01

ID Number: Q68388

1.01 | 1.01


buglist1.01 fixlist1.11


The $$(@F) macro illustrated on page 297 of the "Microsoft FORTRAN

CodeView and Utilities User's Guide" for version 5.00 will not

function correctly in NMAKE version 1.01. This has been corrected in

NMAKE version 1.11, which shipped with Microsoft C version 6.00.

More Information:

The following is the example from page 297:


$(DIR)\global.h $(DIR)\types.h $(DIR)\macros.h: $$(@F)

!COPY $? $@

With NMAKE version 1.01, this will only work for the first file in the

list. Subsequent files are not processed. NMAKE 1.11 correctly copies

all three files to the c:\include directory.