ID Number: Q43397
2.03 2.10 3.00 3.10
The following information describes the file-access, file-sharing, and
inheritance codes used with MS-DOS Interrupt 21h Function 3Dh that are
compatible with the Windows OpenFile function.
A call to the OpenFile function that specifies OF_CREATE as the value
for the wStyle parameter is translated into a call to the MS-DOS
Create File with Handle function (Interrupt 21h Function 3Ch). Because
Windows does not pass any style bits (other than OF_CREATE) to MS-DOS,
the file is always created with normal attributes.
A call to the OpenFile function that does not specify OF_CREATE is
translated into a call to the MS-DOS Open File with Handle function
(Interrupt 21h Function 3Dh). Windows places the value of the low-
order byte of the wStyle parameter into the AL register to specify
file-access and file-sharing codes.
Note: The sharing bits take effect only if the MS-DOS SHARE utility is
running on a system.
Additional reference words: 2.03 2.10 3.00 3.10 2.x SR# G880926-3697