Linker Errors L4013, L2048, and L4038: Overlaying in OS/2

ID Number: Q45619

5.01.20 | 5.03



The linker does not overlay files when linking with protected mode

run-time libraries. If told to overlay a program that is being linked

with a protected mode run-time library, the linker responds with one

or more of the following errors:

LINK : warning L4013: invalid option for new-format executable file


LINK : error L2048: Microsoft Overlay Manager module not found

LINK : warning L4038: program has no starting address

possibly followed by (in DOS):

run-time error R6001

- null pointer assignment

or possibly followed by (in OS/2):

A general protection (GP) fault. It may also go into an infinite

loop after creating the temporary file (for large executables).

The workaround is to create two versions of the executable, an

overlayed DOS version and a non-overlayed OS/2 version.

Microsoft is researching this problem and will post new information as

it becomes available.