NMAKE !INCLUDE Directive Searches Current Directory First

ID Number: Q71416

1.00 1.01 1.10 1.11 1.12 | 1.01 1.10 1.11 1.12




The NMAKE program maintenance utility has a directive called !INCLUDE

that allows NMAKE to read and evaluate another file before continuing

with the current description file (makefile). The name of the file to

be included is placed after the !INCLUDE directive.

The documentation for NMAKE up through version 1.12 states that if the

filename is enclosed in angle brackets (<>), NMAKE searches for the

file using the directories specified by the INCLUDE environment

variable. However, the documentation fails to mention that NMAKE

searches first in the current directory before searching in the

directories specified by the INCLUDE environment variable.

This omission was corrected beginning with the documentation for NMAKE

version 1.13.