Old Compiler Pass May Cause C1007: Unrecognized Flag -Bm in P2

ID Number: Q69474

6.00 6.00a | 6.00 6.00a



If you receive the following error when compiling a program with C

version 6.00 or 6.00a

fatal error C1007: unrecognized flag '-Bm' in 'p2'

it may be the result of inadvertently invoking pass 2 (C2.EXE) of an

earlier version of the compiler, such as C version 5.10. Beginning

with C version 6.00, the option -Bm is a valid flag for pass 2 of the

compiler. This was not a valid option in earlier compiler versions.

When looking for an executable file, the operating system will first

search your current directory, and then search all the directories

listed in your path. You should make sure that the C 6.00 compiler is

listed first on your path, before any other versions of the compiler.

This is especially true when running on a network because network

search paths sometimes obscure exactly what directories are being

searched for files.

If you would like to double-check which drive and directory are being

used when compiling, invoke the compiler with the /d option. This

option displays the information that is being passed to each phase of

the compiler, including the name and directory of the compiler file in
