ID Number: Q45702
2.10 3.00 3.10
The GetCurrentTime and GetTickCount functions are identical. Each
returns the number of milliseconds (+/- 55 milliseconds) since the
user started Windows, and the return value of each function is
declared to be a DWORD.
The following code demonstrates these two functions:
DWORD dwCurrTime;
DWORD dwTickCount;
char szCurrTime[50];
dwCurrTime = GetCurrentTime();
dwTickCount = GetTickCount();
sprintf(szCurrTime, "Current time = %lu\nTick count = %lu",
dwCurrTime, dwTickCount);
MessageBox(hWnd, szCurrTime, "Times", MB_OK);
Additional reference words: 2.10 3.00 3.10 2.x SR# G890605-19712