INF: Passing METAFILEPICT Structures Through DDE

ID Number: Q69883




When an application sends a WM_DDE_REQUEST message and the server

application replies with a WM_DDE_DATA message, the format of the data

returned in the Value[] member of the DDEDATA structure is not always

the same, but depends on the value of the cfFormat member of the


More Information:

The server application defines the data returned in the Value[] member

of the DDEDATA structure. This data must be in one of the formats used

to pass data to the Clipboard. The standard clipboard data formats and

a description of their data are defined in the documentation for the

SetClipboardData() function on pages 4-370 and 4-371 in the "Microsoft

Windows Software Development Kit Reference Volume 1". For example, for

the CF_TEXT format, the actual data is returned from the DDE server,

and for the CF_BITMAP format, a handle to the bitmap is sent.

The table is not explicit as to what data is returned for the

CF_METAFILEPICT data format. The Value[] parameter contains a handle

to a global memory block containing a METAFILEPICT structure. To

access this structure, call GlobalLock() to get a pointer to the

memory and cast the pointer to LPMETAFILEPICT. For example:


lpMFP = (LPMETAFILEPICT)GlobalLock(lpDDEData->Value);

At this stage, the metafile bits may be copied with the following


hMFBits = CopyMetaFile(lpMFP->hMF, NULL);