INF: WM_SIZECLIPBOARD Must Be Sent by Clipboard Viewer App

ID Number: Q74274

2.03 2.10 3.00 3.10



The WM_SIZECLIPBOARD message is not generated by the Windows graphical

environment; the clipboard viewer generates this message.

An application that can display the clipboard contents, such as the

CLIPBRD.EXE application in Windows version 3.0, is a clipboard viewer.

When the size of the clipboard viewer's client area changes and the

clipboard contains a data handle for the CF_OWNERDISPLAY format, the

clipboard viewer must send the WM_SIZECLIPBOARD message to the current

clipboard owner. The GetClipboardOwner function returns the window

handle of the current clipboard owner. This window handle is the

handle in the last call to OpenClipboard.

When sending the WM_SIZECLIPBOARD message, the clipboard viewer must

specify two parameters. The wParam parameter identifies the clipboard

viewer's window handle. The low-order word of the lParam parameter

contains the handle to a block of global memory that holds a RECT data

structure. The RECT structure defines the area in the clipboard viewer

that the clipboard owner should paint.

Additional reference words: 2.03 2.10 3.00 3.10 2.x