NMAKE 1.0/1.01 Generate U1051 or GP Fault with Newer Options

ID Number: Q72885

1.00 1.01 | 1.01



NMAKE versions 1.0 and 1.01 do not recognize all the command-line

options and special macros that are available with more recent

versions. Thus, these versions will generate errors if inadvertently

used with the Programmer's WorkBench (PWB) or if they are invoked from

the command line with options that are not recognized.

More Information:

If PWB invokes NMAKE version 1.0 or 1.01 under DOS, the following

error is generated:

NMAKE : fatal error U1051: usage : 'NMAKE'

[-acdeinpqrst -f makefile -x stderrfile] [macrodefs] [targets]

If PWB invokes NMAKE version 1.01 under OS/2, the result is a

protection violation (GP fault) with the following error message:


The process has stopped. The software

diagnostic code (trap number) is 013.

The above errors will also occur when using NMAKE or NMK from the

command line if the same NMAKE options are specified that PWB uses.

Depending upon the contents of the makefile you are using, other

syntax errors may also be generated.

This problem usually occurs because NMAKE version 1.0 or 1.01 is found

in the path before a more current version. The best workaround for

this problem is to rename (or delete) the old version, or to organize

the path so that the correct version of NMAKE is found first.

Rearranging the path will also help to avoid potential problems and

conflicts with other utilities.