PRB: L2041: Stack Plus Data Exceeds 64K - More Documentation

ID Number: Q50130

3.65 3.69 4.x 5.x | 5.x




The following error indicates that there is more than 64K of stack

and data to be put into the 64K DGROUP (default data segment):

L2041 stack plus data exceeds 64K

The combined size of the program stack segment plus DGROUP was

greater than 64K; as a result, the program will not load up



To correct this problem, do the following:

1. If the file(s) was compiled with C 5.0, a large amount of string

literal data in the program may cause this error. Unlike C 5.1,

C 5.0 cannot move string literals out of DGROUP with the /Gt

option. This problem can be corrected with the "C 5.0 /Gt Fix"

application note, which is available from Microsoft Product

Support Services by calling (206) 454-2030.

2. Reduce the stack size.

3. Use a large data model (compact, large, or huge). Try applying

the /Gt compilation option to lower the threshold.

4. Use the FAR keyword to move data out of DGROUP.

More Information:

This error is documented in "Linker Error Messages" in the "Microsoft

QuickC Compiler for IBM Personal Computers and Compatibles

Programmer's Guide," Section D.4, page 374. It is also in the file

ERRMSG.DOC on Compiler disk 1 for Microsoft C version 5.1, on the

Setup disk for Microsoft C version 5.0, in the file README.DOC on disk

1 for Microsoft Macro Assembler version 5.1, in the file CVREADME.DOC

on the CodeView for MS-DOS disk for Microsoft FORTRAN version 4.1, and

in the online help for C version 6.0 and MASM version 6.0. It is not

found in the "CodeView and Utilities, Microsoft Editor, Mixed-Language

Programming Guide" manual.

Nonfatal errors indicate problems in the executable file. LINK

produces the executable file. Nonfatal error messages have the

following format:

location : error L2xxx: messagetext

In these messages, location is the input file associated with the

error, or LINK if there is no input file. If the input file is an .OBJ

or .LIB file and has a module name, the module name is enclosed in


Additional reference words: appnote 3.65 3.69 4.06 4.07 4.10 5.01.20

5.01.21 5.02 5.03 5.05 5.10 5.11 5.13 5.15