Specifying Link Options with "-" Causes L4046, L1083, or U1013

ID Number: Q50333




LINK command line switches must begin with the linker's option

character, the forward slash (/). While it is valid to begin

compilation switches with a dash (-), the same is not true for the


Code Example



# test make file


test.obj : test.c test.h

cl -c -Zi -G2sw -W3 test.c

test.exe : test.obj test.def

link test, -CO -align:16, NUL, os2, test

You type:

make test

Microsoft Ò Program Maintenance Utility Version 4.07

Copyright Ó Microsoft Corp 1984-1988. All rights reserved.

link test, -CO -align:16, NUL, os2, test

Microsoft Ò Segmented-Executable Linker Version 5.01.21

Copyright Ó Microsoft Corp 1984-1988. All rights reserved.

TEST.DEF(12) : warning L4046: module name different from output file name

LINK : fatal error L1083: cannot open run file

test(16) : fatal error U1013: 'link test, -CO -align:16, NUL, os2, test'

: error 2