INF: A PATH Command Does Not Have Any Effect in NMAKE

ID Number: Q76298

1.00 1.01 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 | 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13



When using NMAKE versions 1.0, 1.01, 1.1, 1.11, 1.12, or 1.13, a

command line that specifies the operating system PATH command does not

affect the other commands that are processed by NMAKE. This is by

design. If the PATH environment variable must be reassigned, the SET

command may be used instead.

More Information:

NMAKE.EXE documentation for Microsoft C version 6.0 and Microsoft

Macro Assembler (MASM) version 6.0 state that any command that can be

run from the DOS command line can be executed from the NMAKE command

line. This is not entirely true. The PATH command is not emulated by

NMAKE and has no effect.

There are two methods to re-assign the PATH environment variable in

NMAKE. First, a macro called PATH can be assigned to the the paths you

want to add to the PATH system variable. The macro name PATH must be

in uppercase letters. Second, the SET command can be used. For

example, a command could be placed in the description block that

states "SET PATH=c:\;c:\dos".

The sample makefiles below demonstrates these concepts. In the first

makefile, the PATH command has no effect. The second and third

makefiles show two ways to re-assign PATH, effectively doing the same

as the PATH command does from the DOS or OS/2 prompt.

Sample Makefile #1


# The PATH command has no effect on the PATH environment variable

# assignment.


path c:\c600\bin;c:\c600\binb

cl /c sample.c

Sample Makefile #2


# The SET command in this makefile temporarily modifies the PATH

# system variable for commands that are processed for the duration

# of the makefile.


set path=c:\c600\bin;c:\c600\binb

cl /c sample.c

Sample Makefile #3


# The macro called PATH re-assigns the PATH system variable for the

# duration of the makefile.



cl /c sample.c

Additional reference words: 1.00 1.10 6.00