INF:How to Get the Functionality of sbrk() in C 6.0/QuickC 2.5

ID Number: Q69933

6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00



The sbrk() function was removed from the Microsoft C run-time library

beginning with C version 6.0 and QuickC version 2.5 because of a major

change in the memory management strategy. Nevertheless, some of the

functionality of sbrk() can still be achieved with calls to other


More Information:

The following is a list of some common uses of sbrk(), and the

functional equivalents in C 6.0 and later and QuickC 2.5/2.51:

Use 1:

Calling sbrk() with a positive argument can be used to allocate space

on the near heap.

Equivalent 1:

An alternative method for allocating memory on the near heap is to use

the _nmalloc() function.

Use 2:

Calling sbrk() with a negative argument can be used to decrease the

amount of memory that the program uses.

Equivalent 2:

Although there is no direct functional equivalent in C 6.0 or QuickC

2.5 for this use, you can link your program with /CP:1 to decrease

the amount of space that the program requires when loaded into memory.

In addition, by judicious use of _nmalloc(), _nfree(), and

_nheapmin(), you can reduce the near heap after it has been used.

Use 3:

Calling sbrk() with a 0 argument [ptr = sbrk(0), for example], is

typically used in a terminate-and-stay-resident (TSR) program to find

the top of the near heap, which is then used when making the program


Equivalent 3:

The top of the heap can be found by using the _nheapwalk() function to

walk down the near heap. The following sample code demonstrates using

_nheapwalk() to find the address of the first byte past the end of the

near heap:

Sample Code


/* Compile options needed: /AS


#include <malloc.h>

#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)



char _far *top_heap;

int status;

/* NULL tells _nheapwalk to start at beginning of the heap */

h._pentry = NULL;

/* Now step through heap, printing out each entry */

while ((status = _nheapwalk(&h)) == _HEAPOK)

printf("Entry at %Fp, Size %6u, Used: %s\n", h._pentry, h._size,

(h._useflag == _FREEENTRY) ? "No" : "Yes");

/* Make sure we are at end of heap */

if (status != _HEAPEND)

printf("ERROR - _nheapwalk did not get to end of heap\n");

/* To find top of heap, add together:

* 1. The address of the last item in the heap

* 2. The size of the item

* 3. The size of the 2-byte end-of-heap marker */

top_heap = (char _far *) h._pentry + h._size + 2;

printf("Top of heap is at %Fp\n",top_heap);


Additional reference words: 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00