ID Number: Q79842
1.11 1.12 1.13 | 1.11 1.12 1.13
NMAKE versions 1.11, 1.12, and 1.13 expect the /F option to be used
when specifying a description file other than "MAKEFILE". If the /F
option is not used, NMAKE may not use the makefile specified on the
command line. NMAKE command-line syntax is documented incorrectly
on page 104 of the "Microsoft C Advanced Programming Techniques"
version 6.0 manual as:
NMAKE [options][macros][targets][descriptfile]
The correct NMAKE command-line syntax should be:
NMAKE [options][macros][targets]
More Information:
The following information about the /F option is taken from page 292
of the "Microsoft Macro Assembler Programmer's Guide" for version 6.0:
"/F filename" specifies "filename" as the name of the description
file. If you supply a dash (-) instead of a filename, NMAKE gets
description-file input from the standard input device. If you omit
/F, NMAKE searches the current directory for a file called
"MAKEFILE" and uses it as the description file. If "MAKEFILE"
doesn't exist, NMAKE uses inference rules for command line targets.
Additional reference words: 1.00 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax