NMK9202002: Multiple Dependency Blocks May Function Improperly

ID Number: Q81304

1.13 | 1.13


buglist1.13 fixlist1.20




When multiple dependency blocks are defined by using the '::'

operator with NMAKE version 1.13, the commands that will be

executed may be different then the commands that will be displayed

with the /N command-line switch.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in NMAKE version 1.13.

This problem has been fixed in NMAKE version 1.20.

More Information:

The /N command-line option is used to display commands that NMAKE

would execute, but does not actually execute. When there are multiple

dependency blocks for the same target, the commands that should be

executed are displayed correctly when /N is used. However, when the

makefile is actually executed, only the commands from the first

dependency block may be executed.

For example, with the following makefile, invoking NMAKE with the

the /N results in the following commands:

cl /c file1.c

lib mylib.lib +file1.obj

cl /c file2.c

lib mylib.lib +file2.obj

When NMAKE is invoked without the /N option, only these commands are


cl /c file1.c

lib mylib.lib +file1.obj

This primarily occurs when the target does not exist. In the sample

below, if MYLIB.LIB already exists then all commands are executed

correctly. You may need to invoke NMAKE with a /A if both dependent

files are up to date.

Sample Code


/* Command line options needed: /N


ALL : mylib.lib

mylib.lib :: file1.c

cl /c file1.c

lib mylib.lib +file1.obj;

mylib.lib :: file2.c

cl /c file2.c

lib mylib.lib +file2.obj;