Linker Error L4047 May Be Benign

ID Number: Q59936

5.10 | 5.10



The following linker error may be a benign error if it occurs with an

application that links with the C Version 6.00 start-up code:

L4047 - Multiple code segments in module of overlayed program

incompatible with /CO

This is a new error for LINK Version 5.10 and is to be expected.

More Information:

If an application is built with the C Version 6.00 run-time library,

there is a second segment to hold floating-point math routines. This

segment (EMULATOR_TEXT) does not have any CodeView information in it.

However, from the linker's perspective, the extra segment MAY be an

error and it is warning the user of such. In this case, it is a benign

warning message.