PRB: NODATA and pwords Parameters Switched in EXPORT Docs

ID Number: Q61605

5.01.21 5.02 5.03 5.05 5.10 | 5.01.21 5.02 5.03 5.05 5.10




The EXPORT statement used in module definition (.DEF) files is

incorrectly documented in several places with the last two parameters

reversed. The "pwords" parameter should be the last parameter, but it

is listed second from the end. The "NODATA" parameter is listed last,

but should be second from the end. The correct EXPORT statement syntax

is as follows:

entryname [=internalname] [@ord[RESIDENTNAME]] [NODATA] [pwords]

Note that the "pwords" parameter is listed as "iopl-parmwords" in some

of the documentation.

More Information:

The documentation with the incorrect EXPORT statement syntax with

reversed parameters is as follows:

- The C versions 6.0 and 6.0a online help for LINK under the EXPORT

statement syntax

- On page 334 of "The Microsoft CodeView and Utilities User's

Guide" for version 2.3 in Section 19.9, "The EXPORTS

Statement" (shipped with FORTRAN 5.0 and BASIC PDS 7.0)

- On page Update-52 of "The Microsoft CodeView and Utilities

Update" for version 2.2 in Section 7.8, "The EXPORTS

Statement" (shipped with C 5.1, MASM 5.1, and Pascal 4.0)

LINK version 5.13 (shipped with MASM 6.0) was corrected.

Additional reference words: 5.01.21 5.03 5.03 5.05 5.10