QCW9109009: Image Editor Colors Not Appearing as Expected

ID Number: Q76716







If any of the last 6 colors in either the top or bottom row of the

color palette are selected, an attempt to draw with those colors

when creating a bitmap or icon will result in a color other than

the one that was selected. This behavior can be observed in the

Microsoft Image Editor version 3.05, which is shipped with QuickC

for Windows (QC/Win) version 1.0, as well as SDKPaint version 3.0,

which is a similar tool shipped with the Windows SDK.


As documented in Chapter 3 of the "Microsoft QuickC for Windows

Toolkit" manual, these colors are referred to as "dithered" colors

and are to be used only for filling purposes. Dithered colors are

simulations of other colors, using two or more available colors. If

these colors are used as background fill, they are painted

correctly according to the shade selected. However, any attempt to

draw with them will result in the wrong color.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in QuickC for Windows

version 1.0. We are researching this problem and will post new

information here as it becomes available.

Additional reference words: QC/Win 1.00