.DEF File Optional Internal Names Not Supported by Implib

ID Number: Q47225

5.10 | 5.10



The implib utility does not put the optional internal name of a

dynamically linked function into the import library it creates. Implib

puts only the entry name of the function (the function name that

external modules call) into the import library.

The use of optional internal names is supported only by linking with

the module definition file (.DEF) that specifies the internal function

names (the actual function names in the source file) within a Dynamic

Link Library (DLL) for OS/2 or DOS Windows.

More Information:

In a .DEF file, you can optionally specify aliases for the entry

points into your DLL as in the following .DEF file statement:



ENTRYNAME is the name of a DLL routine called by other modules, and

the optional INTERNALNAME is the actual name of the function or

procedure in the DLL. By default, the INTERNALNAME is the same as the

ENTRYNAME, but you may want to provide more meaningful entry names to

the users of your DLL in addition to the actual internal function


The names of dynamically linked functions in a DLL must be specified

in either a .DEF file or in an import library, which has a .LIB

extension, so that the linker can resolve all references (calls) to

the DLL functions. Attempting to link an application that calls DLL

functions without an import library or .DEF file results in LINK :

error L2029: Unresolved externals: for the DLL function names.

Import libraries, consisting of little more than the names of the

modules in the DLL and the externally callable functions within the

DLL, are created by the implib utility from an existing .DEF file with

a command such as the following, which creates the import library

"myimport.lib" from the existing module definition file "myfile.def":

implib myimport.lib myfile.def

Commonly used import libraries for OS/2 are DOSCALLS.LIB for the OS/2

1.00 API (Application Program Interface) DLL routines, OS2.LIB for

OS/2 1.10, or CRTLIB.LIB for the multi-thread C 5.10 run-time

CRTLIB.DLL. The Windows Software Development Kit for creating DOS

Windows applications comes with memory model-specific import libraries

such as SLIBW.LIB.