ID Number: Q70055
6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00 | 6.00 6.00a
In Microsoft C versions 5.1, 6.0, 6.0a, and 6.0ax, if a program that
uses the Presentation Graphics functions is compiled and linked with
the alternate math library (xLIBCA.LIB), a number of "L2029:
unresolved external" errors will be generated at link time. When using
PGCHART graphics, you must link with the emulator (xLIBCE.LIB) or
80x87 coprocessor (xLIBC7.LIB) libraries.
On page 29 of the "Microsoft C Run-Time Library Reference," it notes
that if your program uses the alternate math package -- if it is
compiled with /FPa -- it cannot use the PGCHART.LIB module.
More Information:
The presentation graphics functions were originally designed to be
used with Microsoft QuickC, which does not support alternate math
libraries. This problem may be illustrated by compiling the CHRTDEMO
example with the /FPa option to generate code for the alternate math
From the MS-DOS command line, type the following commands:
cl /FPa /c chrtdemo.c chrtsupt.c chrtopt.c
link chrtdemo+chrtsupt+chrtopt,,,graphics.lib+pgchart.lib;
The following is a partial list of symbols that may be unresolved when
linking Presentation Graphics programs with the alternate math
FICRQQ FIWRQQ __cosjmptab __trandisp1
FIDRQQ FJARQQ __lnjmptab' __trandisp2
FIERQQ FJCRQQ __logjmptab __ytoxjmptab
Additional reference words: 5.10 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00