ID Number: Q66055
5.10 5.13
Programs linked with the /INC (prepare for incremental link) switch
cause the following error if the program is run using the Microsoft
Windows version 3.0 Run command:
Unexpected DOS error: 14.
The Run command is located on the File menu in both the Windows
Program Manager and the File Manager. If the program is run from a
prompt in real DOS or in a DOS session of Windows 3.0, it executes
This is a problem with Windows 3.0, not the linker. The /INC switch
causes the linker to create a segmented executable. When Windows
tries to run this .EXE, it fails to recognize that it is a
full-screen application (that is, not a Windows application), and
subsequently tries to run it as a Windows application.
To work around this problem, turn off the /INC switch.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem with Windows 3.0 and
LINK version 5.1. We are researching this problem and will post new
information here as it becomes available.
More Information:
Note: This may appear to be a problem with QuickC and/or C version 6.0
if the incremental link option is turned on. In fact, this is a
linking issue, not a compiler issue.
Additional reference words: 5.10 3.00