Response Filename Cannot Exceed 32 Characters

ID Number: Q66698

5.01.21 5.03 5.05 | 5.01.21 5.03 5.05


buglist5.01.21 buglist5.03 buglist5.05 fixlist5.10


When using a complete path specification for a response file with

LINK.EXE versions 5.01.21, 5.03, and 5.05, there is a limit of 32

characters that cannot be exceeded. The following example illustrates


LINK @d:\c600\files\project\test\myfile.lnk

This will fail with the following error:

LINK : Fatal error L1089 : D:\C600\FILES\PROJECT\TEST\MYFIL :

cannot open response file

In LINK version 5.10, this limit has been increased to 255 characters.