L2002 When Creating a Dynamic Link Library

ID Number: Q67004

5.10 5.11


buglist5.10 buglist5.11


The code sample below produces the following error when compiled and

linked with the following switches:

cl /c /Gs /Alfu /ML foo.c

link foo.obj, foo.dll,,, foo.def;



L2002: fix-up overflow at 2 in segment FOO_TEXT

frm seg _DATA, tgt seg _DATA, tgt offset 0

More Information:

This error is produced when creating a dynamic link library and

specifying _loadds on function entry (either with the /Au switch or

the _loadds keyword). If each segment that comprises the default data

segment is of zero length, the linker will return this error. In

earlier linkers, the error wasn't generated.

The following are three possible workarounds:

1. If the function does not contain any static data, compile with the

option /Aw (DS not reloaded on function entry) and/or remove the

_loadds keyword from the function declaration.

2. Turn on stack checking (compile without /Gs option).

3. Declare data so at least one of the segments in DGROUP is not zero


a. For _DATA, declare initialized global or static data.

b. For _CONST, declare a constant in the program.

c. For _BSS, declare uninitialized static data.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in versions 5.10 and

5.11. We are researching this problem and will post new information

here as it becomes available.

Sample Code


void foo(int i)


char c;

