INF: WINDOWS.H Should Be First Header File Included

ID Number: Q78630




If the WINDOWS.H file from Microsoft QuickC for Windows (QC/Win)

version 1.0 or from the Microsoft Windows SDK version 3.0 is not the

first header file included in a source file, then the following

compiler warning may occur at warning level 1 or higher:

C4005 'NULL' macro redefinition

The program compiles and runs correctly; however, the warning message

is displayed during compilation.

Several of the standard header files define NULL. WINDOWS.H does not

check for a prior definition of NULL, and a redefinition occurs if NULL

has been previously defined.

Placing the #include <windows.h> line before any other #include lines

prevents the warning.

Additional reference words: 1.00 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax qcwin