Errors Assembling Program Residing on Noncurrent Drive

ID Number: Q26821





Errors are generated when assembling a program that resides on a

drive other than the current drive. The errors "A2062 Missing or

unreachable CS" and "A2086 Data emitted with no segment" are

generated by the following example:

c> masm

source filename [.ASM]: a:test

object filename [test.OBJ]:

source listing [NUL.LST:

cross-reference [NUL.CRF]:

If I include a backslash (\) in the path name, the error is


Please note that these errors are only generated if the source file

contains Version 5.00 simplified directives, e.g. .model, .code, etc.

In addition, the assembler creates a file "A.OBJ" on the current

directory (instead of a file "TEST.OBJ" on drive a) if the OBJ. file

name is specified as the following:

object filename [test.obj]: a:


Microsoft has corrected the problem in the Microsoft Macro Assembler

version 5.10.