INF:Closing stdprn & stdaux May Not Increase Available Handles

ID Number: Q47741

5.10 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00



Due to a limitation of MS-DOS, the handles stdaux and stdprn cannot

be closed in order to open additional files before hitting the limit

of the FILES= parameter in CONFIG.SYS.

The workaround is to set FILES=13, for the reasons described below.

To open a file using the C run time, ALL of the following conditions

must be true:

1. There must be a space in the C run-time library's internal file

tables. This is normally limited to 20 files, but this limit can be

increased by modifying the startup code if you're using MS-DOS 3.30

or later.

2. There must be MS-DOS file handles available to your particular

process. Again, the normal limit is 20, but this can be increased

with a call to function 67h of INT 21h (only under MS-DOS 3.30 or

later). This can also be modified in the startup code.

3. Finally, there must be files available from MS-DOS's system-wide

pool, as set by FILES= in CONFIG.SYS. (This defaults to 8, but can

be set as high as 20 under MS-DOS version 3.30 and earlier or 255

under versions 3.30 and later.)

The results of comparing a C program that uses the C run-time library

and a MASM program that calls MS-DOS directly are shown below. Each

was run with stdprn and stdaux, closed and open.

C Program MASM Program

--------- ------------

FILES= W/o Closing W/ Closing W/o Closing W/ Closing

------ ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------

17 (Note 1) 14 14 14 14

18 (Note 1) 15 15 15 15

19 15 16 16 16

20 15 17 17 17

21 (Note 2) 15 17 17 17

Please note the following:

1. The formula for the number of files you can open for FILES=n, where

n is less than 19, is n - 3.

2. No matter how high you set FILES=, you'll be limited to these

numbers in C unless you modify the startup code as described in the

README.DOC file. In MASM, you'll be limited to these numbers unless

you raise the per-process limit on file handles by calling INT 21h,

function 67h.

3. Running the program from a batch file doesn't change these numbers;

however, reduce each number by 1 for each input or output

redirection you do.

4. The MASM program doesn't get any additional handles freed up when

it closes handles 3 and 4 because, contrary to what the "MS-DOS

Encyclopedia" implies, MS-DOS won't allow you to reuse those two


Without closing handles, C programs give you a constant 15 or n - 3,

whichever is smaller. The upper limit is 15 because, unless you modify

the startup code, the limit is 20 minus the five default files.

When you close handles 3 and 4, they are closed for C but not for

MS-DOS. Therefore, you can open exactly as many handles as MS-DOS

normally allows.

Additional reference words: 5.00 5.10 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00