PRB: /MT Cannot Be Mixed with /FPa as Shown on Page 370 of APT

ID Number: Q67782

6.00 6.00a | 6.00 6.00a




Page 370 of the "Microsoft C Advanced Programming Techniques" manual

for C versions 6.0 and 6.0a incorrectly gives an example of combining

the command-line switches /MT and /FPa. This procedure does not work

and causes the compiler to generate the following error message:

Command Line Error D2016: '-MT' and '-FPa' are incompatible

To use the alternate math libraries, you must either create a single

threaded .EXE or a multithreaded DLL. The libraries to create a

multithreaded .EXE using the alternate math libraries are not available.

Additional reference words: 6.00 6.00a