EXE Checksum Incorrect If linked with /CO or /E

ID Number: Q67795

3.xx 4.0x 4.10 5.0x 5.10 5.13 | 5.0x 5.10 5.13



According to "The MS-DOS Encyclopedia," a DOS .EXE file contains a

checksum value in the .EXE file header. This checksum value should

allow the summation of all words in the .EXE file to equal FFFFh.

However, if you use the /Exepack or the /COdeview options when linking

a program, the checksum value will not be calculated correctly.

Current versions of MS-DOS ignore this checksum so this will not cause

any noticeable problems.

Sample Code:


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

main (int argc, char * argv[])


FILE * fp;

unsigned int nxt= 0, sum= 0;

unsigned char bl, bh;

if (argc != 2)

exit (-1);

if ((fp= fopen (argv[1], "rb"))== NULL)

exit (-1);

while (! feof(fp))


bl= fgetc (fp);

if (! feof(fp))

bh= fgetc (fp);



bl= 0;

bh= 0;


sum= sum+ nxt;

nxt= (unsigned int) bh* 256U+ (unsigned int) bl;


nxt&= 0xFF;

sum+= nxt;

printf ("sum = %X\n", sum);
